Från: stephen nesaraj []
Skickat: den 5 juli 2003 13:49
Till: Bengt Bivrin
Ämne: news from little angels--stephen
Dear beloved friend BENGET BIRVIN and MAY,
love and greetings from little angels and stephen,
quite long time i did not write to you,but we always
thinking of you,here all the chidrens are very happy
and healthy,i was quite busy last 2 months regarding
childrens school work,just now i feel little bit
rlaxed and gets rest,here i wish to send you by mail
the fiancial statements of little angels past 6
thats from january to june2003,i hope it gives you the
full idea of our home,and our situations,
all our love and kisses to you always,
little angels,staffs and stephen
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Financial statement January to June
Financial statement for the whole year of